Adria Nabekle 3

Creative Thinking

Having studied theatre in both Switzerland and Paris, worked on several television sets in Europe, I developed my visual skills as well as my sense for color, scenery and framing.

Client: Adria Nabekle
Date: 30 April 2017
Services: Website

Luz Do Amor

Same girl, same smile

Tonight I asked my dog if … she said “madly”
Luz do Amor, Light of Love, came to me at the end of November 2016.
It is also through her that I remember that kind of love, that kind of compassion.
It is also through her, through her delicate energy, that love can awaken.
My time of protection, of sleep, of cocooning, is now over.
I can finally wake up, open the doors, open the windows and breathe new fresh air.
Her deep soul is precious to me now that she’s a puppy, but even later she will bring much light wherever she walks.
She’s the key to open sweetness and love.
Contact with newborns is fundamental, it allows me to breathe again freshness, birth, all that is not yet tamed.
She has brought a precious time.
I can change, I can move again. How much beauty, how much genuineness, how much color, how much love !